


幾何学模様のメンズシルクアビエータースカーフ - The Toshima Aviator


SOHO Scarves の「The Toshima」シルク アビエイター スカーフは、ゴージャスな黄金色のオレンジ地に、時代を超えた小さな青と赤の様式化された花柄を組み合わせたものです。この柄は流行遅れになることはなく、どんな装いにも素晴らしいアクセントになります。黄金色のオレンジのフリンジが、見た目をきれいに仕上げます。

アビエイター スカーフは魅力を放ち、自信とリラックス感を同時に表現できる数少ないアクセサリーの 1 つです。カーディガンやカジュアルなジャケットをドレスアップできる非常に用途の広いアクセサリーで、冬の装いに彩りを添えるのに最適です。

「The Toshima Aviator」スカーフの注目すべき特性は次のとおりです。

  • 男性用の豪華な柄のアビエイタースカーフ
  • 小さな赤と青の幾何学模様と金のフリンジが付いた、金色のエレガントな「トシマ・アビエイター」デザイン
  • 贅沢な手触りと目を引く光沢を与える100%シルク製
  • 寸法: 160 cm x 16 cm
  • 金色の8cmのフリンジ
  • ギフト封筒付き
The Toshima pure silk aviator scarf looped in middle with both ends parallel showing the elegant design in gold with a small red and blue geometric patterns.
幾何学模様のメンズシルクアビエータースカーフ - The Toshima Aviator セール価格¥8,300

Customer Reviews

Based on 22 reviews
Bea Wood
Birthday Scarf

I bought a scarf for my brother for his 60th. I didn’t actually see it as I had it sent to him but he loved it. He’s got some style, so when I saw it on your site I was pretty sure he’d love it.
I’m going to buy more as Xmas gifts

Renato Fantoni
Cool Flyer

I admit that the word Aviator was an appealing factor in choosing this scarf. In fact all of them look good and this is the 4th one I got. The colour is great because it means I can dress in calmer greys and blues then bring them to life with the addition of Toshima’s flash of colour. Next stop, the airport!

Gregory Lassiter
SOHO Scarves

I purchased two different scarves as gifts. I know the people I purchased them for will love them. They are classy.

Alan Porteous
The finishing touch

The SOHO scarves add the finishing touch to a casual look. With jeans a shirt and jacket it adds that something
Very pleased with the quality and service and will definitely be buying more for myself and as gifts for friends
Alan P 🤓

James kelly

Men's Silk Aviator Scarf in Geometric Pattern - The Toshima Aviator

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